Travel Agency Joomla Template

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shoppingBag Sales: 366

Created: Jun 2, 2015

Updated: Jun 2, 2015

ID: 54559

og体育首页ONE - Unlimited Downloads for $12.40/mo

480k Items | Commercial Use License permits using this item to create unlimited digital end products for sale during the active period of your subscription. | Support Join to Download this Item  for Free

This beautiful theme ensures a fast and effective way of building a powerful website for travel agencies, business and management companies. It offers a combination of ultramodern design and unmatched functionality. It features a full-screen slider with mega menu in the header section, and several full-width images with parallax effect in the content part. In addition, you can adapt this travel Joomla template to any other kind of business. It offers a set of tools that allow you to make all the changes quickly and easily.

This template is a part of our 15+ Premium Templates for Joomla top list.

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This Outdoorssports Joomla theme is Responsive

What is it?

Responsive web page design approach makes a website's interface flexible for just about any type of screen resolution.

Why is it Good?

It is great because the website can be reached by more users from the huge number of devices.

Find newest Responsive Joomla designs here

This is a Bootstrap Travel Services Joomla design template

What is it?

Bootstrap is actually a super well-liked framework, which makes the work with Html document, Style sheet as well as JS far easier. It has been made as the tool to set up a responsive design, yet after some time it inserted lots of additional efficiency.

Why is it Good?

Bootstrap is an extremely handy instrument and that's the simple reason it is well-known. With this framework, you will be able for you to create responsive design, appropriate to any sort of display size, prototype fresh new layouts without problems and make certain your own web page is going to be cross-browser compatible.

Fresh Bootstrap Joomla design templates here

This Tours Joomla template is Search Engine Friendly

What is it?

Any time a end user types something to the search bar, the search engine searches for it based on some rules. Search Engine Friendly layout's code is generally especially obvious and organized to make Web optimization work more convenient.

Why is it Good?

By using a SEO-friendly digital product, the user gets the base to set-up a visible web site that will be easy-to-find via the typical key terms research. And additionally, you can make your web property rank higher in google search, as a result making it much more likely that clientele will have a look at your website.

View latest Search Engine Friendly Joomla templates here


Update (May 30, 2018):

24 Reviews for this product

Is a great responsive template ideal for my tour operator client and like so much. Is easy to use and customized thanks to its powerful admin control panel with built-in functionalities: visual layout configuration, responsive layout configuration, mega-menu builder, optimization, etc The client like so much this template and we redising this template adapting to the grafic corporate image of the client. Simple and easy to chance colors, styles, desing and for use modules or plug ins. The template monster team is also very kind, proffesional and helpful. I am grateful for ALL the help I am receiving and strongly recommend their service. The css styls are make to easy find and make changes in all the web. Responsive, joomla 3.5 compatible and with a full support from template monster team, this is a good decision!
Nice, clean design. However, there are way to many position options and how they are pulling articles into modules is a little confusing. Of course I am a little out of practice using Joomla as well. But learning, now if I can just get my modules to show up properly I will be doing great.
the template is really nice, responsive and full of plugins and components in joomla that allow you to edit anything. If you use the site chat you save a lot of time because the operators, among other things very friendly and helpful, are looking for the right template for our needs. I recommend everyone to buy from them, because they are very professional.
Zakup każdego szablonu rodzi obawy czy będzie on zgodny z oczekiwaniami. Bardzo dużym plusem szablonu jest możliwość wypełnienia go przykładową treścią demo. Dzięki temu wszystkie układy i ustawienia są takie same jak w demo, które widziałem przed zakupem. Instalacja szablonu przebiegła bez zakłóceń a po instalacji otrzymałem kompletny produkt jak wersji demo gotowy do dostosowania według indywidualnych upodobań. Szablon jest responsywny, co w dzisiejszych czasach jest bardzo ważne ze względu na konieczność otwierania go na smartfonach. Wyposażony jest w wiele dodatków typu efekty paralax, video w tle, slider, dodatkowe ikony, wbudowane fonty ale także bezproblemowo współpracuje z innymi dodatkami zewnętrznymi. Dla mnie jest to bardzo ważne, gdyż poszerza możliwości prezentacji. Z pełnym przekonaniem polecam zakup szablonu z oferty Template og体育首页.
Bardzo dobry szablon, łatwy w instalacji. Jest responsywny i bardzo ładny.

1 Comments for this product

has it a quickstart demo? tx
yes all templates of temaplte monster have

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