Lintense Doctor - Medical Clean HTML Landing Page Template

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Created: Oct 25, 2019

Updated: Nov 11, 2020

ID: 87878

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Lintense Doctor - Medical Clean HTML Landing Page Template - Features Image 1Lintense Doctor - Medical Clean HTML Landing Page Template - Features Image 2Lintense Doctor - Medical Clean HTML Landing Page Template - Features Image 3Lintense Doctor - Medical Clean HTML Landing Page Template - Features Image 4Lintense Doctor - Medical Clean HTML Landing Page Template - Features Image 5Lintense Doctor - Medical Clean HTML Landing Page Template - Features Image 6Lintense Doctor - Medical Clean HTML Landing Page Template - Features Image 7Lintense Doctor - Medical Clean HTML Landing Page Template - Features Image 8Lintense Doctor - Medical Clean HTML Landing Page Template - Features Image 9

Modern Medical Landing Page

A medical landing page is a kind of template that can improve a doctor's online reputation. It is especially useful in modern times where everyone has to be online in order to find clients. Moreover, the level of your client base depends highly on your online presence. If you are a doctor, there are lots of reasons to create a website. It is a great advertising tool. You can use it to tell more about your services, team or professional skills.

We know how important it is to have a good website. It is your business card and you don't want to disappoint your clients with an unattractive website. They may simply go elsewhere. That's why we developed something specifically for medical services and physicians. The Robert Thompson medical landing page is a part of the Lintense template family. It has its own reputation and includes many great features. Moreover, you can purchase a full Lintense pack for only $19.

Lots of Powerful Features

Our developers made Robert Thompson a template that is specifically fitting to cardiac surgery experts. However, it is a fully editable template and you can use it to create any type of medical expert website. And due to its design, it can suit even a medical clinic. You can also decorate your website as you wish. To help you do it, we included impressive CSS3 effects and transitions. Besides all abovementioned benefits, this medical landing page includes:

  1. W3C Valid Code;
  2. Fully editable design;
  3. Rich UI kit;
  4. Cross-browser support;
  5. Google Fonts & Google Map.

There is also a rich UI kit that can help you to develop a truly user-friendly website. In addition, this template includes a Google map & testimonials. These sections will allow you to display your office location and show your patients' feedback. The Robert Thompson medical landing page also includes a flexible contact form and appointment manager. They are integrated into the template to help you track appointments and stay in touch with your patients.

SEO-Friendly Template with 24/7 Support

It is also important to develop a website that works without issues. And due to the W3C Valid code, this medical landing page works great. With such a well-developed code, it is also guaranteed to function fast. Moreover, the Robert Thompson HTML template is also SEO-friendly. It means higher positions in search results and more attention from your potential visitors. The template is also provided with a stick-to-top menu to simplify navigation.

The detailed documentation included with this template will help you better understand how it works. It describes everything you may want to know, from installation to template management. Moreover, if you need additional help, our 24/7 support team will be happy to help you. They can easily answer any question you have about the Robert Thompson medical landing page. Their professionalism is unmatched and they are always glad to assist you

Please note that .psd files are not included in this template package.


Lintense Doctor Version 1.1 (November 11, 2020) Additions - FIX: Minor bug fixes.

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Супер классаная платформа.Уже скачал несколько шаблонов и все крутые. Всем советую, это проще чем заказывать за все деньги новый сайт и потом еще дорабатывать и платить.Спасибо розработчикам.

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